| 1. | We are under the orders of the manager 我们受经理的命令。 |
| 2. | Made a peer at the restoration , i served through the first campaign under the orders of marshal bourmont 我曾在布蒙元帅的手下作战,在复辟以后被封为贵族。 |
| 3. | The transformation is carried out after filing a request with the patent office within the terms specified in paragraph 3 by the persons and under the order of the provisions of article 14 此转换由申请人在第2条第2项规定的期限内向专利局提出请求,再依第14条的规定办理。 |
| 4. | [ bbe ] and david sent the people out , a third of them under the orders of joab , and a third under the orders of abishai , son of zeruiah , joab ' s brother , and a third under ittai the gittite 大卫打发军兵出战、分为三队、一队在约押手下、一队在洗鲁雅的儿子约押兄弟亚比筛手下、一队在迦特人以太手下。 |
| 5. | Article 26 commercial trade council should employ and dismiss its working staff in accordance with its articles and carry out the affairs of commercial trade council under the order of the head of directors 第26条(会务工作人员)商业同业公会,得依其章程聘雇会务工作人员,承理事长之命,办理会务。 |
| 6. | The decisions of the patent office for the transformation of applications and inventors ? certificates into certificates are subject to appeals before the sofia civil court under the order of the administrative procedure law 4 .专利局对各申请及发明人证书作成的转换裁定,如有不服时可按照行政诉讼法向索非亚民事法院提出上诉, |
| 7. | All these , under the direction of their father , made music in the house of the lord , with brass and corded instruments , for the worship of the house of god ; asaph , jeduthun , and heman being under the orders of the king 都归他们父亲指教、在耶和华的殿唱歌、敲钹、弹琴、鼓瑟、办神殿的事务亚萨、耶杜顿、希幔都是王所命定的。 |
| 8. | [ bbe ] all these , under the direction of their father , made music in the house of the lord , with brass and corded instruments , for the worship of the house of god ; asaph , jeduthun , and heman being under the orders of the king 都归他们父亲指教、在耶和华的殿唱歌、敲钹、弹琴、鼓瑟、办神殿的事务亚萨、耶杜顿、希幔都是王所命定的。 |
| 9. | Property and non - property rights of authors of recognized and introduced inventors ? certificates , which have arisen . . prior to the entry into force of this law and have not been transformed as per paragraph 3 , are settled until their exhaustion under the order of the law which has been in force when they have arisen 6 .经认可和采纳之发明人证书的原创人,在本法生效前已发生但未依第3条第1项规定予以转换的财产与非财产权,在该等权利终止前均依权利发生当时实施的法律规定予以解决。 |